This blog is very random and i try not being judgemental

Friday, March 5, 2010

Whos god? which GOd what god???

The concepts of atheist and agnostic are pretty blurred in my head. I guess that agnostics are the people who have an 'i don't know' attitude towards god or they believe in something but they don't know what that is. Yeah the concepts of god, religion and all are pretty complicated. Those who believe just do , those who try to rationalise just end up being confused or repulsive. I think that it is ok to be any of the above but here's what i believe. I believe  that the truth is only what a person believes to be true.Gods existence for a person is as lucid as strong is his faith. This faith may not necessarily be driven by some sort of logical understanding. Its just what someones believes in: you have to respect that.It is amazing what faith could dp- this statement is highly subjective- but believing in something with all your heart, it does make a difference, good or bad? It depends.

I do not affiliate myself to any religion. It may be partly due to my lack of knowledge or understanding but it is mainly because I love and repel all religious pracctices in a way. Or maybe i am not just strong enough to have such faith.. whattever there ason may be..u really dont want to get to all that ull just end uo really comfused.
Anyways, i admire and respect the faith certain kind of people have in respective gods, it must take some good element of character to be so true to what you believe in. However i do have a problem when people around me acct hypocritical and myopic. Yeah!we are a religiously Myopic society. We are not ready to look beyond what we have chosen to be our faith. That as i learned only recently, goes not only for the believers but also for the confused non beleivers , the rationalists , all of them are trying so hard to justify or propagate their own stand that they do not  realize that you could stick to your side without putting the other side down. Even the agnosts try putting the beleivers downt , mostly unconsciously by being unsessitive to their religious beleives.
FOOTNOTE: if none of this make any sense to you stop reading now cz its going to get worse

1 comment:

  1. I think faith is not limited exclusively to God. My faith in Bob Dylan/Wodehouse speaks more volumes that anything else. For me, atleast, there has to be some validation, some reason, why I believe in that certain entity.
    Religion I do not understand. I am too young, too hypocritic to.
